
On this page you can download all the brochures and catalogs of the products we sell, you can also find them in our online store at with even lower prices , for the shipping charges and further questions please contact us at or simply hit the contact page

We Remind our customers that all the products you can find in the catalogs below are in stock at our Store in Stanghella (PD).

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Inserts an cast iron fireplaces from L'ARTISTICO fireplaces CHAZELLES, L'ARTISTICO Gas Fireplaces KALFIRE Cast iron stoves CHAZELLES, DOVRE Soapstone Stoves GEOS
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Accessories and Barbecues L'ARTISTICO Fireplace Construction Sets CHAZELLES Desing Fireplaces Spartherm, Linear series Desing Fireplaces Spartherm, Prestige series Desing Fireplaces Spartherm, Selection series
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Desing Fireplaces Spartherm, Loftline series Desing Fireplaces Spartherm, H2O series Spartherm, Stoves Spartherm, Dru, gas fireplaces Thun, Ceramic Stoves




20 to 30% discounts on all wood products available on our online store at Do not miss this opportunity, only while supplies last ...>
We have added some new products and offers in our online store New Series gas fireplaces including Kalf Fairo 75 Hybrid models with LED technology and the Fair 105 ...>
On the site of Rubner Klima haus, they have included several photos of a soapstone stove installed by us in a beautiful house in the province of Venice ...>
Some of our works have been published in the Magazine Top properties, quarterly realestate information magazine distributed throughout northern Italy. Project Architect Stimamiglio ...>
Our work at the hotel "Villa Kofler wonderland resort" was published in the Magazine 100 Camini. The article explains in detail through several photos on the entire building renovation project and the various themed rooms ...>