Sale and Wholesale

Our company sells many brands, some of which directly imports from abroad. Our continous research in selecting the best brands with the best Characteristics. This give us the guarantee of selling the customer a long-lasting quality product.

The new EU regulations, increasingly stringent, brings fireplace producers to continuously improve their products, to increase performances and lower CO emissions. This implies that our commitment si to be constantly informed about the issues and the news of all our brands. Our Team frequently attend update courses to better understand and install the new products. This is because the new regulations also include new installation rules using new insulation materials and better flue construction.

We also do wholesale for some of our customers, our product price range vary a lot form product to product, thats the reason why we are abel to satify every custome,r the one with a big buget, who wants the best the market can offer. And the one with a lower buget that just want a good simple and cheap product. We can satify them both.

The Internet is a new way of doing business, we too have adapted our company to sell on the internet, and now two years already we have opened our online store at The continuous demand of our customers has led us to undertake this new sales channel. In our store you can find most of the products we offer at even lower prices. We ship all over Italy and abroad, also here with wholesale discounts for our separate retailers. You can subscribe on our B2B program providing all the details of your company. Please feel free to vist our online store, and contact us for futher information.



20 to 30% discounts on all wood products available on our online store at Do not miss this opportunity, only while supplies last ...>
We have added some new products and offers in our online store New Series gas fireplaces including Kalf Fairo 75 Hybrid models with LED technology and the Fair 105 ...>
On the site of Rubner Klima haus, they have included several photos of a soapstone stove installed by us in a beautiful house in the province of Venice ...>
Some of our works have been published in the Magazine Top properties, quarterly realestate information magazine distributed throughout northern Italy. Project Architect Stimamiglio ...>
Our work at the hotel "Villa Kofler wonderland resort" was published in the Magazine 100 Camini. The article explains in detail through several photos on the entire building renovation project and the various themed rooms ...>